Common Foundation Issues|Dallas / Fort Worth
The signs of foundation problems observed in Dallas/Fort-Worth area homes can be associated with one or more problems related to issues starting with the foundation. Detailed diagnosis by our experts at DFW Foundation Repair Company can determine the exact root causes accurately. Our technicians take the corrective and preventive measures to eliminate the foundation problems Dallas and rectify the causes to give you long-term solutions to the critical and persistent foundation issues.
Cracked floors are a sure sign of foundation problems. Also, cracks and separation of bricks from the house are the other telltale signs of foundation problems which can lead to extreme foundation damages.

Common Causes of Foundation Problems in Dallas Fort-Worth
Soil, climatic conditions, poor design and construction quality, plumbing problems, and inferior materials are some of the most common causes of the foundation problems in the DFW Metroplex and the surrounding areas.
Soil Types
The types of soil found in the Dallas/Fort Worth areas are mostly clay, silt, sand, loam, peat, and rock. Every soil contributes to the origin of defective foundations in one or more ways. Let us analyze a few of the foundation issues now. There is a strong link between the signs of foundation issues and the probable causes. Finding the accurate causes can speed up the repair and ensure a long-lasting solution. DWF Foundation Repair experts can determine the exact repair methods by diagnosing all the signs of foundation issues and linking them to the exact causes.
Foundation Problems Dallas – Clay Soil
Clay soil can expand and compress during the seasonal changes. Extreme summer can cause the particles to shrink and dry which cause fissures and other structural foundation issues. The results could be sinking foundations, differential movement, and unstable superstructure.
Heavy rains and floods can cause the clay soil to expand. The resulting vertical exertion of force on the foundation can result in the massive upheaval and movement. Cracks in the foundation and the superstructure are the initial foundation problems which may grow into the forms of critical and chronic damages. The initial signs of foundation problems could be cracks in walls and ceilings, uneven floor, door frame separation from the wall, tile cracks, and other foundation issues.
Heavy rains and floods can cause the clay soil to expand. The resulting vertical exertion of force on the foundation can result in the massive upheaval and movement. Cracks in the foundation and the superstructure are the initial problems which may grow into the forms of critical and chronic damages.
Foundation Problems Dallas – Peat Soil
Peat is composed of water and the decaying vegetation. It is very dark in color and absorbs a lot of water and moisture. Moreover, it has the unique property of dynamic shifts in the subsoil layer. DFW houses built on peat soil have highly unstable foundations. They can develop fractures, which spread into the superstructure doors, windows, frames, walls, ceilings and floors. The probability of mold/mildew growth also increases the intensity of structural damages, leading to persistent foundation problems.
Foundation Problems Dallas – Silt Soil
Silt soil can absorb and retain water and humidity. It becomes unstable and causes lateral shifts and vertical upheaval conditions. Some of the common signs of foundation problems could be bulging floor, bowing walls, floor cracks, and warping door and windows.

Foundation Problems Dallas – Poor Design
Poor design and construction quality can start at the ground preparation stage and extend into the foundation construction. If your contractor doesn’t follow the ASTM, EPA and the DFW specific quality standards, the probability of structural damages and other related foundation issues increases.
Foundation Problems Dallas – Drainage Problems
Most of the foundation settlements in the DFW areas are due to leaking drains that flood the foundation layers. Constant absorption of water by the soil layers makes them expand unevenly.
Foundation Problems Dallas – Inferior Materials
The inferior quality of materials used in the foundation construction can result in weakening of structural stability. The foundation is unable to bear the static and dynamic vertical load of the superstructure. The cracks and damages could be slow in the initial stages, which can grow rapidly and result in structural collapse. Frequent inspections by the DFW experts can help in identifying the signs of foundation issues before they grow into major and critical defects.
Foundation Repair Companies in Dallas Fort-Worth
The foundation repair costs in the Dallas/Fort Worth area can be exorbitant due to rising inflation, expensive materials, and service rates. DFW Foundation Repair offers the most competitive prices with the best quality materials and troubleshooting service. We guarantee the longest durability factors for your home foundation and superstructures with the minimal maintenance procedures.